
Whether you want to introduce your child to the richness of Tamil culture or simply lay a strong foundation for bilingualism, our books make language learning a delightful adventure, sparking curiosity and setting the stage for a lifelong love of languages.

At Tamizhum Naanum Children’s Books we are passionate about helping children learn Tamil in a fun and effective way. We believe that offering access to Tamil children's books filled with everyday words is a simple yet impactful way to help your children not only understand the language but also use it confidently in their everyday lives. By doing so, we are not just teaching language; we are preserving our rich cultural and linguistic heritage within our diaspora community. 

  • Language Empowerment

    We are committed to empower children with the gift of Tamil language through engaging and accessible books, enabling them to communicate confidently in Tamil. 

  • Everyday Language

    Books are designed to introduce everyday Tamil words that children can seamlessly integrate into their daily conversation, fostering a deeper connection with the language.

  • Family Bonding

    We believe in art of reading to strengthen family bonds. Our books are catalysts for parents and children to share meaningful moments while learning together.

My First Words Book Guide

Pair your journey of reading our My First Words book with an audio guide. Complementary to every copy sold!

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